Tuesday, October 31, 2006

more treats than tricks!

i had my consultation this morning with the thorasic surgeon and the good news is that he doesn't think it's cancer! he's not sure *what* it is, but it doesn't look or act like cancer. at this point, he's going to take my scan and show other specialists to get their opinion and call me back in 2 weeks.

turns out that it's not a mass on my lung - it's actually between the top of my lungs that's near the thymus area behind my heart (which is one of the reasons the radiologist suggested it could be thymoma or lymphoma).

so now i'm waiting to hear whether they think we should have a biopsy (and possibly surgically remove it) or just constantly monitor it for any changes (which means pregnancies will have to be on hold ). i'm certainly disappointed we can't try to get pregnant again (since i'm not getting any younger!), but i'm more glad that it's not cancer and i'll be around to try later.

with all the bad news lately - 2007 better rock nuts!!


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