Sunday, July 30, 2006

finally, some good news

i got a call from the genetic counselor on friday about the blood tests gary & i took and down's is NOT genetic in either of us! we're so happy! unfortunately, the case with the shrimp seemed like it was a pretty rare occurance (where are those odds when we play the lottery?!), but it's great to know that the likelyhood of it happening again is going to be the same as anyone else my age (1 in 216 at the age of 36).

we're going to wait a while to try again to give my body time to re-adjust back to normal, but we're definitely looking forward to trying again.

[my mood is listed as "sore" b/c we spent all weekend tearing up carpet and putting down foam in preparation for the laminante flooring. hopefully it'll all be done by the end of next weekend b/c it sucks sleeping in a queen sized bed when you're used to a king!]


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