Sunday, April 23, 2006

in my face!

i've been sailing along my pregnancy for 9 weeks and i thought i had it good (except for constantly being tired and hungry). well, the party's over! i officially have morning sickness (well, not "officially"!) and it sucks! good thing today's sunday, but i can't imagine how i'm going to deal with feeling hungry and on the verge of throwing up at work all week! i'm hoping it's a weekend phase and i'll go back to "normal" tomorrow morning. if not, at least the first trimester is almost over.

i think i've been pretty good about my food intake. well, i haven't been super great, but my snacks are mostly healthy. as a matter of fact, i've lost a little weight (few pounds) and i wasn't able to exercise much this week. hopefully i'll be able to only gain the healthy range (20-30) by the time the "shrimp" comes in november.


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