Thursday, April 06, 2006

my first outburst

so, i finally had my first emotional outburst on tuesday night. it felt kinda weird to be out of control of my emotions, but i just wanted to roll with it since i knew it was eventually going to happen.

that night, we were preping the walls to paint the nursery. gary was on a step ladder taping the trim for the ceiling, and i was taping the window frame. he brought his arm down to get another piece of tape, but his elbow hit me right on the top of the head (where i had 2 bobby pins). it was like he was pulling some crazy wrestling move on me!

it really hurt a lot, but i knew it was an accident - no biggie. but as soon as i put down the tape, my eyes started watering and i had to leave the room to bawl my head off. i think i cried for about 10 minutes! gary, i think, was a little confused for a minute there - couldn't do anything but hug me while i cried. i finally pulled myself together and got ready for bed. about an hour later, i thought to myself how weird it was that i cried so hard over something like that, and how i felt like i had no control over it.

luckily gary waited until the next day to tell me that it hurt him enough that it bruised his elbow.


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