Sunday, February 05, 2006

war of the worlds?

on friday, i watched "war of the worlds" - the one with crazy tom cruise. that evening, around 5am, i woke up to the worst wind storm i've ever heard (other than when i was in a tornado). the power was out, my dog was freaking out, and frankly i was a little disoriented. i tried to go back to sleep, but gary & i started seeing brief flashes of light. i thought it might be lightning (which would be odd for seattle), but it didn't flicker like lightning.

gary got up to see what was going on and he said that the flashes of light were green! additionally, we heard a weird metallic sound we've never encountered in our neighborhood. since i was still sleep disoriented, i started thinking of "war of the worlds" and maybe this was it - the aliens were coming! it didn't freak me out, b/c really, all i wanted to do was go back to sleep. :) we never really figured out what it was, but we think it might've been the power company working on the lines.


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