Friday, October 06, 2006

if it's not one thing, it's another!

around 3 months into the pregnancy, i started hearing / feeling my pulse in my left ear / neck. it was so loud at times that i thought others could hear it. i didn't think anything of it since there's a lot of blood pumping thru my veins for the baby. after the termination, i thought it would go away, but it hasn't, and of course every time i hear it, it reminds me of the pregnancy.

i finally went to see the dr on tuesday (2-1/2 months after the end of the pregnancy) and she said everything seemed fine. i had an EKG (b/c i had a few palpitations during the first 2 months of the pregnancy) and it was ok. unfortunately, the x-ray showed a spot on my right lung. i'm trying not to freak out by telling myself it could be scar tissue from when i had the mother of all coughs 2 years ago when i had bronchitus, but it could be a blockage that's related to the neck pulse thing, or it could be something more dreadful.

i have an appt for a cat scan in 1-1/2 weeks. i'll just have to try to not think about it so much until i get the final results.


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