Tuesday, October 03, 2006

it's been 3 years!

that's right - i'll have been mrs. miller for 3 years tomorrow! it seems like a lifetime, too. gary & i started dating in october 2000 - our first real kiss was after watching the halloween episode of "buffy the vampire slayer" in a friend's parking lot. things were rocky for a while (even breaking up twice along the way), but these last 3 years have been the happiest of my life. to share so many ups & downs with your best friend is something i would never trade.

we've done so much in those 3 years:
* we got married on oct 4, 2003
* honeymooned in niagara falls
* quit our jobs in december 2003 and drove across country to seattle (i think we got here january 2, 2004)
* gary found a job in march 2004, then another in december 2004
* my job history is a little longer - got a temp job in march 2004, found a permanent job in may 2004, got a new job in april 2006, but i'm leaving it to start another in 2 weeks
* bought our house in may 2004
* had our first pregnancy from march-july 2006

i think all of these are on lists that cause the most stress in a marriage. however, the odd thing is that i think it really just made us stronger along the way.

so, gary, if you're reading this - i love you, hon!


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