Friday, October 07, 2005

more fear of flying

i just found this on a website:

Loss separates us and leaves us open to feeling lonely and vulnerable. Many fearful fliers developed their fear in their twenties or thirties. As we age many of us have new families that we care about. When we fly off and leave our children or spouses behind we may feel afraid that something will happen to ourselves or our loved ones. We fear we will never see them again. Also, as we age we become more aware of just how fragile and dear life is. The older some people get the greater their fears get.

i wonder if this is what i've been feeling since moving to seattle and leaving my family & friends on the other side of the country. i've been more nervous about driving on the highway (even though i drove myself across country when moving here), and i'd never really been afraid to fly. i'm getting better with the car thing (even though gary prolly doesn't think so :P ), and i'm hoping that more research on flying will help.


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