Friday, October 07, 2005

leaving for LA

our second anniversary was on tuesday, oct 4. for the cotton aniversary, i got gary a UNC blanket for him to curl up when watching the basketball games, and he got me a smoothie maker (yum!) and put 2 pairs of socks on the top. :) since he had to leave for a conference in las vegas on wednesday, we decided to take a week off & visit LA since this may be the last anniversary where it's just the 2 of us. i'll be flying to vegas tomorrow, then we're driving to LA in the afternoon. i've never been, so it should be fun (especially since it'll be sunny & upper 70s). :)

i've been really nervous about this trip for a while. at first i thought it was b/c i felt unprepared, but now i just realize it's b/c i absolutely hate flying now. i'm so freakin' terrified to fly that i get squeemish when i see anything plane-related on tv. i've flown quite a bit during my time, but lately i get scared at any little rumble of turbulance. i think it started with my trip to cleveland last year for the all balboa weekend - the flight was bad enough that it even freaked gary out for a second or two.

riding in cars doesn't bother me (even though i know statistically i'm more likely to get hurt by car than by plane). but i'm on the ground and if i get hit it's almost instant. if you're in a plane and there's an issue - that's a LONG way down to the ground! with several minutes of sheer terror! and unfortunately, i keep thinking of those things as i'm flying. i've taken to looking at other passengers around me and seeing how calm they all are. if there was something out of the ordinary, they would be looking nervous, too. to give you an idea of how nevous i am.... i'll even talk to the strangers next to me to keep my mind off things. for those of you that know me - that's a HUGE deal since i usually shy away from talking to strangers & would rather be left alone.

luckily, gary's on the same flight as me on the way back so i can talk to him & keep my mind off things.

and after this trip - an even longer one to orlando for christmas. eep! thankfully, gary's with me on those flights, too. :)


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