Monday, August 29, 2005

"Curvy" Gap Jeans

i heard about the new "curvy" line of jeans at the gap, so i decided to try it out since i'm never able to fit into jeans. see, some of us women have curves where our hips are smaller than our waists.

i was looking thru their selection & i noticed that they came in 2 sizes - "low rise" and "ultra low rise". so the clerk asks if i need help and i said that i'd like a pair of jeans where my butt crack won't show. she gives me a few of the curvy style and a non-low rise style.

false advertising - that's for sure!

"curvy" felt just as straight as the other style, and BOTH would've been showing of a considerable amount of butt crack!

am i asking for too much from the garment industry to come up with a pair of jeans that are age appropriate and don't require an (shutter!) elastic waistband?!


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