Wednesday, August 24, 2005

harry potter

i'm a newcomer to the "harry potter" books. gary bought 1-5 for me last christmas, but i just started reading them. i'm part-way thru #3 and i'm enjoying them more than i thought i would since i was afraid that they would be too "kid-y". i've seen the first 2 movies, and of course now i want to rent #3 this weekend.

the only downside is the annoying strangers that want to talk to me b/c they see me reading the book. no, i don't want to gush about how much you love harry potter. and no, i don't want you disrupting my reading so you can share a moment with me. this never seems to happen when i read my other books - prolly b/c they're always about someone dying. :)

maybe i'll make a book cover to use when i'm in public....


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