Sunday, April 23, 2006


it's been a few weeks, so i thought i'd update folks on the pregnancy. things are still pretty much the same - nausea, tired, bloated, and hungry all day. today is 11 weeks - so only one more week until i'm in my second trimester. i'm hoping things calm down a little then, but i'm bracing myself for little change. it's very weird to feel like i've finally gotten a handle on something, then it all goes out of whack in one day.

i actually threw up on monday morning (that's the only time it's happened so far). i realized it was b/c i didn't have anything in my stomach. so now, when i get up in the middle of the night i have to make sure to eat a cracker or two and i eat a little bit again when i first wake up.

last monday i started taking pre-natal yoga since i'm feeling stiff and out of whack. i really don't get the appeal of yoga - at least not the people who are fanatics. i find it extremely boring and a little too hippy-dippy. so i'm just looking at it as an hour of stretching which is what i'll need down the road. maybe i should get a DVD to do at home - problem is that i tend not to do stuff at home when there's not a scheduled time outside the house. maybe i'll talk gary into doing it with me. :)

next week is our first exam - we may be able to hear the heartbeat then. the week after, may 17, we get our first ultrasound. i'm curious to know if there's just one shrimp in there or multiple! eep! i don't really think i'm having twins, but it is something i think about since i haven't seen in there yet. that's also the time where we'll get genetic counseling and the blood test to determine if the baby has a possibility of having down's. to all you ladies out there that want to have babies - do it before you're 35!! just kidding - but your chances do get higher when you turn 35. i think i read a book yesterday that said that under 35 - 1 out of 1,400 have down's. at 35, 1 out of 350, and by 40, 1 out of 100. i don't really feel like the shrimp isn't healthy, but it is a scary thing to think about until you know the results.

other than that, i started a new job 3 weeks ago. it's been weird adjusting to that and the pregnancy changes at the same time.

in my face!

i've been sailing along my pregnancy for 9 weeks and i thought i had it good (except for constantly being tired and hungry). well, the party's over! i officially have morning sickness (well, not "officially"!) and it sucks! good thing today's sunday, but i can't imagine how i'm going to deal with feeling hungry and on the verge of throwing up at work all week! i'm hoping it's a weekend phase and i'll go back to "normal" tomorrow morning. if not, at least the first trimester is almost over.

i think i've been pretty good about my food intake. well, i haven't been super great, but my snacks are mostly healthy. as a matter of fact, i've lost a little weight (few pounds) and i wasn't able to exercise much this week. hopefully i'll be able to only gain the healthy range (20-30) by the time the "shrimp" comes in november.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

my first outburst

so, i finally had my first emotional outburst on tuesday night. it felt kinda weird to be out of control of my emotions, but i just wanted to roll with it since i knew it was eventually going to happen.

that night, we were preping the walls to paint the nursery. gary was on a step ladder taping the trim for the ceiling, and i was taping the window frame. he brought his arm down to get another piece of tape, but his elbow hit me right on the top of the head (where i had 2 bobby pins). it was like he was pulling some crazy wrestling move on me!

it really hurt a lot, but i knew it was an accident - no biggie. but as soon as i put down the tape, my eyes started watering and i had to leave the room to bawl my head off. i think i cried for about 10 minutes! gary, i think, was a little confused for a minute there - couldn't do anything but hug me while i cried. i finally pulled myself together and got ready for bed. about an hour later, i thought to myself how weird it was that i cried so hard over something like that, and how i felt like i had no control over it.

luckily gary waited until the next day to tell me that it hurt him enough that it bruised his elbow.