Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Goodbye Seattle

It's official, and things are moving faster than we thought possible! Gary & I had been thinking of moving back to the South to be closer to family, so we spent the past few months packing, staging the house, and getting a bit organized. We thought it would take several months to sell the house b/c, well, who hasn't heard about the horrible housing market?! We were even excited to be on HGTV's "My House is Worth What?" because they were going to have a stager come by and give us lots of helpful hints (which we barely used, btw).

Well, all that worry - for nothing!! We listed the house on Friday, and 3 freakin' days later we have an offer..... for $5,000 more than our asking price!!! Today is the inspection and if everything goes well, closing will be at the end of February. I have to work a few days into March, but after that, we'll be driving back across the country to Durham, NC. Hopefully we don't hit snow storms like we did moving here.

I'm seriously bummed to be leaving such a wonderful, beautiful city, but after the past 2 craptastic years, and 4 neices & nephews later, I really just want to be able to see my family more than once a year. I'll miss all of my wonderful Seattle friends, and maybe one day you'll be interested in visiting us on the other side of the country (Eastern Bal Champs, anyone?!). Please keep in touch.


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