Saturday, September 16, 2006

end of phase 1

phase 1 of the fat smash diet has finally ended! it was a difficult 9 days, but i feel 10x better than i usually do. i weighed myself this morning and i've lost 6 pounds. i'm sure i would've lost more if i had excercised more than 5 out of 9 days.

phase 2 will last for 3 weeks and luckily i have a lot more options with my food. i'm happy b/c gary said he'd try to do phase 2 with me!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

fat smash

when i was pregnant, i had only gained 4 pounds during the 5 months. unfortunately, b/c i'm so out of shape, each pound felt like i had added 10. since i have a few months before we can start trying again, i've decided to do something about it.

yesterday was Day 1 of Phase 1 of the fat smash diet. fat smash is a 90 day program created by dr. ian - the nutritionalist on VH1's "celebrity fit club". luckily, phase 1 ("detox") only lasts 9 days b/c it's basically eating nothing but fruit & veggies (except potatoes) and 2 cups of brown rice and 1 cup of plain oatmeal a day.

part-way into day 2 and i'm freakin' hungry! but you know, not really hungry so that my stomach is growling, just hungry b/c i'm not stuffed to the gills like i am usually. the hardest part is going to be breaking thru the mental part of eating for comfort.

there was a saying i heard a while back that i keep telling myself. "you should eat to live, not live to eat."

i just wish a few more staches were allowed b/c i just don't feel satisfied on fruits & veggies alone. maybe i'll just have to fill up on sweet potato fries. :)

i took beginning measurements and photos, so we'll see how i do along the way.