Sunday, July 30, 2006


has anyone seen the new reality show on sci-fi channel called, "who wants to be a superhero"? i'd never heard of it (mainly b/c i never watch sci-fi), but it was mentioned on this week's "best week ever" on VH1. the show is really cracking us up, but our absolute favorite character is Major Victory. the guy is a freakin' hoot!

finally, some good news

i got a call from the genetic counselor on friday about the blood tests gary & i took and down's is NOT genetic in either of us! we're so happy! unfortunately, the case with the shrimp seemed like it was a pretty rare occurance (where are those odds when we play the lottery?!), but it's great to know that the likelyhood of it happening again is going to be the same as anyone else my age (1 in 216 at the age of 36).

we're going to wait a while to try again to give my body time to re-adjust back to normal, but we're definitely looking forward to trying again.

[my mood is listed as "sore" b/c we spent all weekend tearing up carpet and putting down foam in preparation for the laminante flooring. hopefully it'll all be done by the end of next weekend b/c it sucks sleeping in a queen sized bed when you're used to a king!]

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

when it rains......

... it definitely pours!

we've been having trouble with a clog in our plumbing. when we turn on the upstairs garbage disposal or run a load of laundry, the gross stuff comes up thru the downstairs shower drain. usually gary would clean it up, we'd say we should call roto-rooter, and then we'd forget about it. well, a couple of weeks ago, i ran a load of laundry, went upstairs and then forgot about it until later. i came downstairs and found that the bathroom and about 2 feet of carpet surrounding the bathroom was totally flooded - with all that gross junk from the pipes! the water from the bathroom was cleaned up, and gary rented a rug doctor to suck the extra water from the carpet. roto-rooter came out the next day, said it was a bad clog, and things have been running fine since then.

last week, we started noticing a strong musty smell in the downstairs. we'd been talking about renting the rug doctor again and giving it a really good cleaning since it was dirty anyway from us walking on it and bingham's random pee spots. last saturday, gary cleaned the rug, and by sunday afternoon we noticed a really gross rotten food smell. it wasn't until then that we realized that there's prolly gross gunk and mold under the carpets, and probably in the walls surrounding the bathroom b/c of the flood. ugh!

so, we're meeting with the insurance guy today to determine if there's mold in the walls. if so, we'll prolly file a claim and have them pay for the wall repairs and carpet replacement. well, we've decided to put wood or laminant floors down instead of carpet (easier to replace a few boards instead of the entire carpet if it happens again). if it's determined that the walls are ok, we'll just eat the cost and replace the carpets ourselves. it wouldn't be worth making the claim for a few extra hundred bucks since we'd then be "on probation" for 3 years.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

final update

thanks to everyone for their support. it's been (and will be) rather difficult, but the doctor confirmed friday morning that the baby had down's.

i'm feeling ok - a little dizzy and of course not fully there, but everything seems to be going ok (no complications).

Thursday, July 06, 2006

pregnancy update

well, we finally got the results back today and it wasn't good - the baby has down's. gary & i have discussed it many times over the past few months and we both agree that we're going to terminate the pregnancy. we're waiting to hear about making an appt, but it looks like sometime next week. we're hoping that the reason for down's wasn't something genetic in either of us - that it was just a fluke.

thanks for everyone's support. it's been a real help to know that folks out there are thinking of us.