Tuesday, February 21, 2006

2 things

Two Names You Go By
1. Theresa
2. Beedie (by Gary)

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. italian
2. austrian

Two Things That Scare You
1. flying
2. scary movies - especially the "pop 'n lock" special effect from "the ring"

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. moisturizer
2. glasses/contacts

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. wedding ring
2. black/grey/tan stripey socks

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. laughter
2. trust

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You About the Opposite Sex
1. strong arms
2. nice legs

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. dancing balboa
2. crafts

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. my family to live near us
2. my yard to magically clean itself

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. castle tour of germany & austria
2. ireland/england

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. how i'm floundering at work with no direction (that's why i've posted 3 blog entries today!)
2. chocolate

Two places where you like to shop:
1. michaels
2. book stores

Two favorite web sites
1. whiteheat.org forum
2. google mail

Two pets you had/have
1. bingham aka mr. b aka doug aka dougie fresh aka reefer
2. don't have another unless you count the slugs & spiders

Two Favorite Sports
1. nothing
2. nothing

Two things you did last nite
1. watched "the aristocrats"!
2. passed out early b/c i hadn't gotten much sleep from co-running balboa fest

Two shows you like to watch
1. buffy the vampire slayer
2. the simpsons

grey's anatomy - BOO!

grey's anatomy had a slow start in the beginning, but the past few episodes have been really great - especially the 2 parter in february. but the end of sunday's episode pissed me off! the show had great potential - bringing the brad pitt look-alike into the mix, cristina & burke, etc. but the ending with george and meredith?! no freakin way! and i'm not just reacting in a "shut up! i didn't expect that" way - it's more of a "that's stupid, i don't want to watch anymore" kind of a way.

my husband usually doesn't care much about tv, but it was one of the first things we watched after dropping everyone off at the airport. we were both excited to see what would happen next. but as soon as meredith took of george's shirt, gary walked out of the room & didn't return. i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't watch it again.

i'm in love!

i totally feel like lorraine b/c i'm in love with a pair of dance shoes. heidi from cleveland wore them to balfest this past weekend and they're amazing! i wish i could justify spending the $200 on yet another pair of shoes that i can't try on in advance.

Monday, February 20, 2006

thanks everyone!

holy crap - what an amazing weekend! luckily, i was able to dance quite a bit (since gary was doing most of the running around) and i just have to say.... I LOVE BALBOA! thanks to everyone who attended and helped out - we definitely couldn't have done it without you.

i can finally sleep now. :)

Monday, February 13, 2006

one more week!

it's almost here - president's day weekend... which means NW BALBOA FEST! we're working on all the last minute details, and it's going to be lots of fun! i can't wait to dance with all those great leads and see my friends!

i just caught a freakin' cold from gary, but hopefully it'll be gone by then. at least it's not bronchitus like last year.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

war of the worlds?

on friday, i watched "war of the worlds" - the one with crazy tom cruise. that evening, around 5am, i woke up to the worst wind storm i've ever heard (other than when i was in a tornado). the power was out, my dog was freaking out, and frankly i was a little disoriented. i tried to go back to sleep, but gary & i started seeing brief flashes of light. i thought it might be lightning (which would be odd for seattle), but it didn't flicker like lightning.

gary got up to see what was going on and he said that the flashes of light were green! additionally, we heard a weird metallic sound we've never encountered in our neighborhood. since i was still sleep disoriented, i started thinking of "war of the worlds" and maybe this was it - the aliens were coming! it didn't freak me out, b/c really, all i wanted to do was go back to sleep. :) we never really figured out what it was, but we think it might've been the power company working on the lines.