Thursday, March 29, 2007

marathon man

a few years ago, i was thinking of something i'd like to do before i die. not just places to visit - but something that would seem out of character for me but would be something to really strive towards. for some reason, running a marathon popped into my head. gary & i had a good laugh about it at the time.

well, i've thought about it a few more times over the years until recently when a friend of mine sent a link to "from couch potato to 5K in 2 months" and asked if i was interested. I WAS! :)

so far, it's been 1 week (been 3 times) and it's not *as* hard as i thought it would be. it's certainly not easy to motivate myself to do it on my own, but it really makes a difference when you make plans to meet someone else at the track. something else that makes it easier for me is not having to watch the clock. if it were up to me, i think watching those seconds tick by SO SLOWLY would drive me crazy. since my friend, kathy, watches the clock, all i have to do is get lost in the conversation. she starts school again next week, but i'm hopeful that she'll still have time to train with me.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


We just got some great news! The latest CT scan showed that the mass in my chest (we've named it "Tubie") hasn't changed so they've given us the ok to try to get pregnant again. I'll have to keep an eye on it for a while still (CT scans every 6 months as long as I'm not pregnant), but they think the mass is benign and that I'm ok with leaving it in for now.

I'm sure you'll understand if I don't announce when we're pregnant again since we're a bit leery after last summer's pregnancy. You'll know everything worked out well when you see a cute baby photo next year. Of course, if you're local, it'll be obvious in 8 months. :)

Thanks to everyone for your emotional support this past year - it's definitely not been one of my bests. However, I'm hoping that 2007 & 2008 are *much* better. :D