Thursday, January 25, 2007

spoke too soon

Apparently, the results from the MRA were "inconclusive" so I have to do the whole freakin' thing over again next week. >:(

wish for 2007 - that all this medical crap will end soon so i can just get on with my life (try for another pregnancy) instead of mentally living from one medical test to another.

Friday, January 19, 2007


i'm not really sure if i'm claustrophobic. i have my moments of brief panic during random times, but nothing that i would think of as "claustrophobic". since i wasn't sure, i was really dreading having to get an MRA (similar to an MRI, but with an extra piece of equipment over my neck and lower part of my face). however, it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. the stuff they injected for contrast was definitely the worst part since i hate needles (and my vein spurted when she poked me!).

if you ever have to get an MRI, i highly suggest putting a washcloth over your eyes or wearing a sleep mask. it was great b/c i couldn't see how closed in everything was. there was one brief moment of panic when i had to stratch my nose and i realized where the extra piece was located, but i just closed my eyes and thought of something else.

i was in the contraption for about 45 minutes, and it's LOUD! it sounded like bagpipes, windshield wiper, jackhammer, and a swing set. visualization of each really helped to make the time go by since it's not easy being still for 7 minutes at a time.

the injection stuff was weird. i could feel it moving from one arm, thru another and i could even tell when i got to my head b/c i had a weird taste in my mouth. not the most pleasant feeling, but luckily it didn't last too long.

i should have the MRA results at the end of the month. i don't think anything bad is coming back this time, but we'll see. i must say, it's really fucked up to think that there are all the possible problems and yet i still feel perfectly fine. i wish i hadn't gone to the dr to ask about the neck pulsation since i could've been blissfully ignorant and pregnant again by now. *shrug*