Monday, November 20, 2006


gary & i just got back from atlanta where we got to hang out with family and play with my 21 month old niece. before we left, i got a call from my dr and the surgeon.

my dr was still concerned about my high calcium levels, so i had to have more tests. (i think i calculated that i've given around 10 vials of blood in 3 weeks!) all of those tests came back ok and luckily, my calcium levels have dropped back to normal. i have to go back in 3-4 months to have the levels checked again to make sure everything's ok.

the surgeon said that he talked to a radiologist, and she agreed that the chest mass doesn't look like cancer. she's also not sure what it is - could be a swollen thymus - but it doesn't look serious at this time. the surgeon suggested that we wait until march to do another ct scan to see if the mass changes. if so, it'll need to come out. if not, then we can try to get pregnant again. i wanted to make sure that this really is the course to take (don't want to wait if it's something that should come out now) so the surgeon is going to get more opinions and call me back next week.