Tuesday, August 22, 2006

high school? what was that?

Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

1. Who were your best friends?
jeanette & beth

2.What sports did u play?
no sports

3. What kind of car did you drive?
green toyota corolla (can't remember the year)

4. It's Friday night, where were you?
can't remember - prolly hanging out with jeanette and/or beth

5. Were you a party animal?
hardly! but i remember getting busted on video drinking rum & coke by my dad.

6. Were you considered a flirt?

7. Ever skip school?
nope, i was too goody-goody.

8. Were you a nerd?
oh yeah, i was. but i wouldn't have considered myself a nerd at the time.

9. What was in your locker?
books, letters from jeanette, prolly duran duran photos

10. Did you get suspended/expelled?

11. Can you sing the fight song?
i don't remember the "fight song" unless it was "dixie".

12. Who was your favorite teacher?
i barely remember my teachers. i guess i liked mrs. jascula (calculus) and mr. warnock was a dork, but i liked band.

14. What was your school's full name?
warner robins high school

15. School mascot?
the demons!

16. Did you go to the Prom?
yeah, i was kinda pathetic. i asked about 7 guys before a guy from northside agreed to go with me. i can't remember his name, sean? i remember the week of the prom, he got into an arguement with his northside girlfriend (we were in communications class together). she didn't want him to go to the prom with me, but i pretended that i didn't hear what they were fighting about. later, he asked if he could cancel and i said "no" b/c i didn't have anyone else to ask. i remember the girl was a real snooty bitch, but sean? was nice enough to take me anyway. i don't remember a thing about the prom except that my high heels were really hurting my feet and i ended up dancing with a group in the middle of the dance floor.

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
i would, but only steer myself in a different path for my future. maybe have the nuts to ask guys out i liked instead of mooning over them until they thought i was a stalker. :)

18. What do you remember most about graduation?
all i really remember is that while someone was giving their speech, a dog ran all the way across the field, up to the podium, and then pissed in the potted plant. we all laughed but the speaker never knew what was so funny.

19. Favorite memory of your senior year?
going skinny dipping and streaking around the neighborhood with jeanette & beth. especially fun was a few weeks before i left for college - we snuck out wearing nothing but towels and went to visit a guy (corey) that i was dating. on the way home (4am) we saw a cop car make a u-turn and follow us for a long time. we were so scared the cop would pull us over and we'd have to get out of the car wearing only a towel. my mom was waiting up for me and tried to punish me by taking away my car priveledges, but i didn't care b/c i was going to college soon and she had to drive me to work!

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall?
we didn't have a senior wall.

21. Did you have a job your senior year?
yup, worked at the krystal's near my house and wore the lovely brown & orange polyester uniform.

22. Where did you go most often for lunch?
lunch in the cafeteria. i would share cheese on wheat crackers and salad with jeanette. i tried cheese on wheats recently and they're not as good as i remember.

23. Have you gained weight since then?
unfortunately, yes.

24. What did you do after graduation?
went to columbus college (columbus, ga) for 2 years then graduated from university of georgia (athens, ga) in 1992.

25. Where have you lived since high school?
columbus, ga
athens, ga
satellite beach, fl
warner robins, ga
marietta, ga
atlanta, ga
edmonds, wa

26. Where are most of your classmates?
i have no idea. i've only kept in touch with beth, jeanette, jason joines, brian frey, and recently connected with toby.

27. Are you going to your ten year reunion?
already attended

28. Who was your home room teacher?
mrs. jaskula

29. Who will repost this after you?
maybe jeanette if she has time.