Friday, March 24, 2006

new addition

Well, it's official. There's going to be a new Miller in the family! :) We found out Friday that we're pregnant, and it was confirmed by the nurse on Wednesday. Oddly enough, the due date is my own birthday, November 25. I feel bad for "Bud" having a Thanksgiving birthday, but hey, at least it's not a Christmas birthday!

It still doesn't feel real yet - no morning sickness, nothing really out of the ordinary yet. I did start to feel "swimmy" yesterday (a little dizzy headed), I'm occasionally very tired at random times, and I've been feeling pressure in my stomach at night (which keeps me awake until I go to the bathroom). But luckily, nothing bad.

Gary's been really sweet - he's definitely going to be hands on through this whole thing. Which of course makes me feel better about this important change in our lives!