Wednesday, January 11, 2006


we just got the results of bingham's toe amputation - seems it was a benign tumor and that the amutation got everything. no reason to expect a re-occurance, and he'll be fine!! :D

he got his stitches out on monday and he seems to be doing well. he walks normal for the most part. he only limps or holds it up when he's been walking or running on it a lot. i'm sure it'll take a while to get used to no longer having a toe on that paw.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

baby on hold

we were planning on trying to get pregnant this month, but as luck has it, i caught a really bad cold (?) dec 27 and i'm still sick a week later. of course, it's right during the time i would be ovulating. sheesh! well, that gives me one more month to get my act together - maybe lose some weight and try to eat better. i missed the cut off for yoga classes thru my city's rec center, but hopefully i'm motivated to use my treadmill more (once i'm not sick anymore - excuses, excuses!).


since november, our dog, bingham, has been limping - favoring his right front paw. turns out, it's not as simple as we hoped it would be.

dec 21 - he had an x-ray and the vet determined that the bone in one of his toes has disintergrated. they're not sure how it happened, but they said his toe needed to be amputated so they could run tests. it could be anything - an infection that caused the bone to disentegrate, a tumor, cancer, dunno.

dec 28 - his toe was amputated. the vet said he was in a lot of pain, so they gave him a higher dose of morphine. luckily, we arrived from florida in time to pick him up that evening. bingham didn't look like he was in much pain - just really doped up! the total bill was a bit over $1200. eep!

he's had a few bandage changes and we got to see his toe the last time we were there (jan 2). it looks like it's healing nicely. bingham doesn't seem to be in pain, but he does favor the foot (obviously). he's walking ok - and even ran some yesterday. i think the stitches can come out at this saturday's appointment.

we should know some time this week about the cause of the bone disentegration. *fingers crossed* that it's nothing more than a random infection. we would be crushed if bingham has cancer! :(