Monday, November 28, 2005

my birthday

i had a pretty good birthday (weekend). for thanksgiving, we went to joon & lorraine's and there were a lot of folks there (about 15). lots of food (of course), then we watched some tv (a bit of "office space") then kareoke for the girls and phil ;) while the guys played poker. by 10pm, i was definitely ready to go home!

on friday (my actual birthday), we went to see "harry potter & the goblet of fire" at the neat-o deco theater in edmonds. lots of families there, but we sat in the balcony so i didn't hear the kids talking thru the movie. i thought the movie was good (considering they had to cut a lot out of the book just to make it 2-1/2 hours). i think the dorks that are nitpicking the finer details (don't like the movie b/c it didn't fully follow the book, dumbledore actor isn't as good, etc) need to get a life. just enjoy them for what they were - an entertaining movie, and and entertaining book!

for dinner we tried an italian restaurant in a neighborhood near the UVillage then had dessert (chocolate & peanut butter crepes and hot spiced cider) at another restaurant. after, we had tickets to see "forbidden xmas" in fremont. it was pretty funny, but there was one annoying girl in the front row that laughed way too loud at every single joke. seemed like she was trying too hard to be "cool". *shrug*

the rest of the weekend was putting up/shopping for christmas decorations. we have a pretty awesome yard this year! lots of lights & a mod looking christmas tree made from pie pans & lights. we're starting to see more houses decorated - YAH! :)

i'm offically 35. mid-30s. sucks.

i've felt like my youth is just speeding past and i don't sit back & enjoy it while i can. now i'm in my mid-30s and i feel like i haven't made the most of my time so far. not sure what i would have to accomplish before i feel like i could look back & say "yeah, i really enjoyed my 30s."

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

martin donovan

wow - the stories keep getting better! of course, this one's the best - i actually received an email from martin donovan!

I don't know your name but I thought that now that you have bought I would contact you to say how much I marvel at your steadfast commitment to your site devoted to my work. Needless to say I am deeply flattered by your creation of this site. It is always nice to know that somebody out there is paying attention to one's work.

Awesome. :)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

harry potter!

i'm pretty excited about the new harry potter movie coming out next weekend! those books have been a major part of my life since july and i'm going thru withdrawls. :) sucks that i have to wait 2 years to read the next book. maybe i should've waited until then to start reading the series.